It has been quiet today, just a few EMS calls. I downloaded pictures to the Thankgiving day post, turns out they had an apartment fire while I was off and two vehicle fires, no pics of them. See you in chat.
Stay Safe
This blog will allow family and friends to keep up with us. If you would like you can leave a comment at the end of each post. We enjoy reading the comments. Thanks for following us as we travel the states.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Mall Today
Busy at the mall today. Jumped off 3 cars, cleaned the water tank for the interactive fountain, cleaned out the filters on the fountain, repaired 2 roof leaks and the usual cleanup. The weather man said we would have rain in a.m. that would move out before noon. I got off at 3pm and it is still raining. I think we are just about out of leftovers, if not supper tonight should take care of them. See you in chat.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Friday, November 28, 2008
Black Friday
I worked the mall from 7a-3p while Bridget and Annie shopped. I got off at 3p, they didn't get off until almost 5p. They did take a break to meet us for lunch at McB's. Directv has free games until Sunday so when I got home I started playing. Hard to believe but we had leftovers from Tday for supper. See you in chat.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Thursday, November 27, 2008

I received this email from Annie and Terry and it says it all.
Fred and Nipper wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and ask that you please save the bones for them.

I received this email from Annie and Terry and it says it all.
Fred and Nipper wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and ask that you please save the bones for them.
I took off Thanksgiving day from the FD and my shift had an apartment fire, here are some pictures.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Another Long Day
Mall 8-5 working on putting up Christmas lights. Headed to the in-laws to move the wifi to another location so the answering machine would work and also picked up a table for the guest tomorrow, expecting 16 people. Chopping of vegetables will begin tonight. Travel safely if you are traveling for Thanksgiving.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Busy All Day
Left FD headed home to meet with the painters, just a few items to complete so hopefully tomorrow they will finish up. Headed to the mall, set up a 20' Christmas tree and other Christmas decorations and were busy the entire day. At 3p in headed down to Hazlehurst to pick up the tag for my mom's car, she will be down for Thanksgiving. Heading back from Hazlehurst I stopped off at the in-laws to set up their wii internet connection. Now in my recliner heading to chat.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Monday, November 24, 2008
Meet The Painters
Quiet shift so far, I have to meet the painters at the house in the morning before going to the mall. They will need to paint the back door which they forgot.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Sunday, November 23, 2008
From The Mall Again
My help worked 11-3, says he had to leave so I will be finishing up this shift at 7p by myself, starting final rounds to make sure everything is done. See you in chat.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Saturday, November 22, 2008
From The Mall
Posting from the mall, the other guy that was going to work with me today called in sick so I am by myself. It is cold outside with a slight breeze. Bridget has added a bunch of songs to my playlist and I have no idea what she has added, most likely music from the 60's and 70's. I was in at 3 and will get off at 11p only to return tomorrow to work the 11a-7p shift.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Friday, November 21, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Busy Day Today
We were busy all day at the mall, the quarterly tenants lunch was today and we had to cleanup afterwords with the tables, chairs and trash. We also had the city inspector today so we could get our permanent certificate of occupancy. We have 2 more occupancies to clean out so he will return next week for the final inspection. That's about it, I'm in my recliner waiting for Bridget to get home. See you in chat.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Water Heater
7a-3p at the mall today but the 3p-11p guy called in that his water heater busted and he would not be in tonight. I am staying over until the major work is completed, cleaning restrooms and garbage run. I should be out of here by 8p. May see you in chat.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Cold Day
Right now it is 49 degrees. It has been cold all day with a slight breeze. Today we had our annual FD physicals, my cholesterol is below 200 which is good for me, this is from the help of 2 meds. Off meds it runs around 350. The mall is tomorrow from 7-3 as is the city's employee lunch. I will receive my 25 year pin then. See you in chat.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Monday, November 17, 2008
Worked the mall 7-3. When I got off I had to run to south Jackson to pick up my weedeater. The painters were at the house when I got home. They are painting the outside for right now. See you in chat.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Sunday, November 16, 2008
At The Mall
Waffles and bacon for breakfast, then watched TV. Have to be at the mall at 11am. Working right now and will go out shortly and finish up locking down gates and restrooms then off to the house. See you in chat.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Quiet Day
Today we have had 2 EMS calls, 1 service call and a vehicle fire. Boy Scouts toured the station also. We also had the Jackson Street Fall Festival in old town Ridgeland. Other then that it has been quiet with temps in the 50's and windy. Tomorrow I have the mall from 11a-7p.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Friday, November 14, 2008
Getting Back To Normal
The mall 7a-3p was as usual. Other than a cough every now and than I am back to normal. After the mall I went to get a haircut in Canton on the square. It is an old time barbershop just like Floyd's on the Andy Griffith Show only it is $8. Took a nap when I got home.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Feeling Better Today
Feeling better today, ended up working the 7-3 at the mall. Actually 8:15-2:45, got off from FD at 8 and I had a dentist appointment at 3pm. I was tired when I got home so I took a nap. Bridget made club sandwiches and homemade soup. Tomorrow I'm back at the mall 7-3.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Still don't feel the greatest but better than I did yesterday. FD shift has been quiet. Look forward to a quiet night.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Still Sick
I am feeling a little better today. I stayed in all day, caught up on recorded TV shows. Tomorrow is the FD. I should be well enough to go to work tomorrow. See you in the chat room.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Monday, November 10, 2008
Sick Again
Woke up not feeling well this morning so I went to the doctor. Turns out I have a upper respiratory/sinus infection which is what I had a month ago. On a Zpack, decatrone shot, and decongestant. Hope this works. Had to trim the hedges back as the painters are coming this week, they pressure washed the house this morning. The appliance company picked up the old dishwasher and dropped off the check. Not much else going on.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Weekend at Oak Mountain
First off, I don't know what happen to or how to fix the font on this post, sorry.
Friday, Nov 7
Saturday, Nov 8
Bacon, eggs and toast for breakfast. Watched football and went to the Galleria Mall and walked around. Lunch was sandwiches back at the campground, more football and naps. Supper was at Stardome Comedy Club, we all had ribeyes, BP and salad. It was a good show and we all had fun.
Sunday, Nov 9
After breakfast of pancakes and bacon we loaded up to head back home. We were on the road by 10:30am. When I was just about to slow down for a rest stop the left rear trailer tire blew out, it was loud enough to hear in the cab of the truck with radio on and windows up. Took about 30 minutes to change the tire and we were back on the road traveling at 60mph, I usually drive 65-70 depending on if we are in a hurry to get somewhere, no more hurring for us. I will check on the 17.5" tires before our next trip. Back home and in my recliner.
Stay Safe
Friday, Nov 7
Bridget dropped the dogs off at the kennel and picked her parents up on the way back home. When I got home I filled the trailer tires to 110 psi, trailair suspension at 80 psi and the trailair hitch at 80 psi. I set all of these before every trip. I have been thinking of upgrading to the 17.5" tires Howard has been taking about. We were on the road for Oak Mountain State Park by 9am. Just about all of the morning traffic was gone. An uneventful drive over, due to me working a double shift at the mall I was unable to pull the trailer out and start the refrigerator so we stopped at a Cracker Barrel. We checked into a level site #31 loop B at OMSP. Full hook up but a 30 amp site. This area is beautiful with the leaves changing. After setting up we headed into town to pick up the tickets and groceries. We grilled hamburgers for supper and watched TV.
Saturday, Nov 8
Bacon, eggs and toast for breakfast. Watched football and went to the Galleria Mall and walked around. Lunch was sandwiches back at the campground, more football and naps. Supper was at Stardome Comedy Club, we all had ribeyes, BP and salad. It was a good show and we all had fun.
Sunday, Nov 9
After breakfast of pancakes and bacon we loaded up to head back home. We were on the road by 10:30am. When I was just about to slow down for a rest stop the left rear trailer tire blew out, it was loud enough to hear in the cab of the truck with radio on and windows up. Took about 30 minutes to change the tire and we were back on the road traveling at 60mph, I usually drive 65-70 depending on if we are in a hurry to get somewhere, no more hurring for us. I will check on the 17.5" tires before our next trip. Back home and in my recliner.
Stay Safe
Thursday, November 6, 2008
OMSP Tomorrow
Quiet today at the FD with just a few EMS calls. Hope it is quiet tonight as I need a good night sleep. We are leaving tomorrow morning for our weekend trip to Oak Mountain State Park. Tonight we are having dinner with Kay and friends at Cock of the Walk restaurant for her birthday which is actually tomorrow but so are her chemo treatments. She says it will be Tuesday before she feels like eating again after her treatments. Please continue to pray for Kay and her family.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Yesterday's Post
What started off as a 7-3 shift at the mall ended up with a 7a-11p shift as my 3-11 shift relief man became ill and called in sick. It was a long day and as soon as I got home it was time for some snoozing. Had to get up at 6 to head off to the FD.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Go Vote
We both voted today, Bridget went this morning and I went after I got off from the mall at 3pm. This morning the lines were long, Bridget had to wait 40 minutes in line, at 3pm I walked in and was second in line. Be sure you vote today!!
We had a bunch of EMS calls with the last one at 1:30 ish this morning. Then at 2:30am after getting back to sleep we were dispatched to a house fire. We arrived on scene of a 2 story residence with heavy smoke showing from the second floor. The fire was extinguished a short time after arrival. No injuries and the home owner went to stay with friends. We were back in bed by 4 am. Up at 7 and off to the mall by 8am. Normal day cleaning at the mall.
Stay Safe
We had a bunch of EMS calls with the last one at 1:30 ish this morning. Then at 2:30am after getting back to sleep we were dispatched to a house fire. We arrived on scene of a 2 story residence with heavy smoke showing from the second floor. The fire was extinguished a short time after arrival. No injuries and the home owner went to stay with friends. We were back in bed by 4 am. Up at 7 and off to the mall by 8am. Normal day cleaning at the mall.
Stay Safe
Monday, November 3, 2008
Second Shift
Finishing up the day of a second shift. At 8am I have to get bloodwork done for my cholesterol medicine refills then to the mall til 3p. It has been quiet during the day with just a few EMS calls.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Forgot To Post
Forgot to post yesterday. Well Fred usually wakes up between 5:55 and 6:05 every morning. A few weeks ago, Bridget forgot to set the clock and Fred woke her up, seems he has a set time her likes to eat. I guess that is the beagle in him. Needless to say we forgot to set Fred back on daylght saving so at 4:58am Sunday morning he thought it was time to get up but she got him to go back to sleep.
We had six medical calls. Watched the race, JJ finished 13th but is still leading the championship just ahead of Carl Edwards.
Stay Safe
We had six medical calls. Watched the race, JJ finished 13th but is still leading the championship just ahead of Carl Edwards.
Stay Safe
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Lack Of Sleep
Ended up with 4 calls through the night and a total of 11 calls for the shift. The mall from 8ish to 3. Replace the drive gear on the garage door when I got home. The part came in yesterday. Bridget has been spending all day cleaning out the back room and plans on continuing tomorrow.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
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