John at mall 3 to 11 today. He was busy with his to do list for getting the camper ready for the Kerrville trip. Got him some new golf clubs, Adams Idea a30S 13 Piece know he is exited about that. LOL New golf shoes, new golf clubs .... he should be set to go. I made a trip to Walmart for groceries to put in the camper. Still packing camper.
Happy Trails. Stay Safe
This blog will allow family and friends to keep up with us. If you would like you can leave a comment at the end of each post. We enjoy reading the comments. Thanks for following us as we travel the states.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Lunch With Friends
John at FD today. John and I had lunch today with my friends and former co-workers of TSC. Had a great time. Then my friend Kay and I went to the movies to see "Love Happens". It was a different sort of movie. Kay and I enjoyed it. I will be busy tomorrow packing things away in the RV for our October Texas road trip. Saturday will be here before we know it. Yeah!!!!
Happy Trails. Stay Safe
Happy Trails. Stay Safe
Monday, September 28, 2009
New Golf Shoes
John at mall 7 to 3 today. No callers on the house. Sure wish someone would make an offer. Getting camper ready for the Texas trip. Yeah!!! Went with John to get new golf shoes after he got off from work. Dawg from the FD called and needed John to help him with an electrical problem we went to Clinton.
Temperatures much cooler tonight. We are liking that.
Happy Trails. Stay Safe.
Temperatures much cooler tonight. We are liking that.
Happy Trails. Stay Safe.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Quiet Sunday
John at mall today from 11:00 to 7:00 but got off early.. 6:00.. Yeah!!!! No one called to look at the house today. I took Fred on our daily walk and went to Walmart for groceries and pharmacy items. Cooked beef stew for supper. Now just chillin with John.
Happy Trails. Stay Safe
Happy Trails. Stay Safe
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Old Friends
John at FD today for a 24 hour shift. I went to Applebees and met two old friends and former coworkers for lunch today. We met at 12:30 and did not leave until 5:00 p.m. It is a miracle the manager did not throw us out with all the loud laughter. It is good to see old friends and catch up. They were very interested in our plans to go on the road full time.
No new lookers for the house today. Maybe tomorrow. I know it will sell one day.
Happy Trails. Stay Safe.
No new lookers for the house today. Maybe tomorrow. I know it will sell one day.
Happy Trails. Stay Safe.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Do Nothing Day
Hey, I didn't have to work anywhere today!! I slept in until 8:30, Bridget got up at 9 and made waffles and bacon. I was on my second cup of coffee when she served up breakfast. Pretty much stayed on the computer surfing the web, reading blogs and playing online games. This afternoon we went to Kay's house so Bridget could pick up some Premiere jewelry she ordered. On the way home we stopped at Kroger and did a little grocery shopping. Picked up ribs and whistle berries for supper, Bridget is making a macaroni salad to go with it. About all for now.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Worked the mall until a little after 2 then went home and took a nap. 5 Guys Burgers and Fries had there trial run, they will open tomorrow. We had eaten at a 5 Guys in Pennsylvania back in June and didn't care for it. Today it was great, good food made fresh. Potatoes from Washington state. They do not use frozen meat and have the meat delivered daily. I'm still full so may just have a salad for supper then go to Stone Cold Creamery for the Make-A-Wish Foundation's 8th Annual World's Largest Ice Cream Social .
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Winding Down To Relaxation
Back on my regular FD shifts of 24/48 hrs. shifts, I have one more double shift on October 1-2 then off to TX until October 28th. Rollie sent me a picture of the site we will be on at Hickory Creek. Thanks for the pic Rollie. I couldn't get it to load but he has it on his blog along with other pics of Hickory Creek COE park. Still raining here, it is suppose to move out by the weekend and then cooler weather will follow. Hope the weatherman is right on this one. Nothing exciting going on. Working the mall tomorrow.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
I only have one more double shift, that will be next week. Left FD this morning in the rain and headed to the mall. 4 of us we scheduled but with the rain it would be a slow day so I took off and got my much needed haircut. When I got home the rain was telling me I needed a nap so I did. After the nap and a late lunch Bridget and I went shoe shopping, we both found some Merrell hiking shoes. Of course, it wasn't raining when we went in but the bottom was missing when we came out, got soaked getting to the car then pulled around so Bridget won't have to get as wet. Looks like sirloin for supper.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Monday, September 21, 2009
Last Double
Working on my last double shift for this week, I have another double on October 1-2, then off to TX for the RV-Dreams Rally. We had another showing while Bridget was in the middle of cooking meatloaf. We have had a good bit of lookers but not offers yet, the offer will come in time.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Another Open House
John at FD for another 48 hour shift. Raining on and off all day so there have been many wrecks and medical aid calls. A realtor showed the house at 1:00 p.m. today. Also, our realtor held another open house from 2 to 4. Hope this will bring out a buyer. Spent the day with my sister, Annie shopping and cooking.
Happy Trails, Stay Safe
Happy Trails, Stay Safe
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Off Early For a Haircut
Worked the mall until 1pm, needed to get my haircut. Got to the barber, they were closed. I thought they were open until 5 on Saturday but they close at noon. Got home and took a well needed nap. We have another showing at 1 and an open house from 2-4 tomorrow.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Friday, September 18, 2009
Second Double Done
Usual EMS calls at FD, ending my second double shift, one more to go. Realtor brought more flyers by. Activity seems to be picking up but no offers yet.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Mom Hatch
John at FD today starting another double shift. Went to Crystal Springs to pick up Mom Hatch and take her to have a CT Scan done on her kidneys. Arrived at the doctors office for her 1:00 p.m. appointment only to find out that it was scheduled for 3:00 p.m. instead. Oh well, they were nice and worked us in and it only took 20 minutes. WOW! Made a trip to Walmart for groceries for the Premiere Jewelry party I hosted tonight. Had a good crowd for the party: Marcy, Annie, Kay, Amy, Cecily, Sharon (Annie's Sister-in-Law) and Marilyn Stevens. Shared lots of laughs and good food. After the party some of the guests wanted to tour our 5th wheel to see what John and I will call home when the house sells.
Happy Trails. Stay Safe
Happy Trails. Stay Safe
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Work, Work, Work
Left the FD headed home to pick up a mall shirt (forgot to get it Monday) then worked until 2:30. Took the loaner car and got an inspection sticker and oil change. Home for a nap then surfing the web. Dee and Jim closed on there house and will be ordering a 5th wheel Saturday. Congrats to them. Counting down to October 3rd, heading out for TX and the RV-Dreams Rally then visiting TX family and friends until October 28th. Start a 48 hr. FD shift in the morning.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Another Showing on the House
John still at FD for another shift. He will be at Renaissance tomorrow 7 to 3 then home. Yeah! Today was the only morning I have slept late and wouldn't you know it... the realtor called wanting to show the house. The problem was he was right around the corner and I had not made the bed yet. Yikes! Sure hope it sells fast. This running around and leaving the house so the realtor can show it sure gets old. LOL
Happy Trails. Stay Safe
Happy Trails. Stay Safe
Monday, September 14, 2009
Long FD Days
Well our realtor has emails out to the Realtors with the clients that have done the second look and the one from last night. I am working 3 double shifts in a row. I started this morning at 8am and will get off Wednesday morning at 8am then to the mall to 3pm. Thursday back to the FD at 8am and get off Saturday at 8am then to the mall to 3pm. Sunday will be the last of the doubles starting at 8am and getting off Tuesday at 8am then to the mall until 3pm. Then I will be back on my normal 24/48 hour FD shifts starting Wednesday morning. I got tired just typing that.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Happy Birthday Robert and Terry
Slept in until 8:30 then got up for coffee and breakfast. Omelet with left over chicken, cheese, bacon and eggs with pancakes. Ric and Teresa came over and we chatted about camping and full timing. We are planning another trip to Birmingham area some time in November to see James Gregory at Stardome Comedy Club. Check out was noon so at noon we started getting ready to head back home, said our see you laters and made the 25 minute drive home. After getting unhooked we went to Walmart for tonight's groceries. We were having a cookout for Terry (9/12) and Robert (9/14) birthdays. Bridget and I, Robert and Kelsey, Terry and Annie, Bob and Marcy, Heather, Daniel, Justin and Glen friends of Robert dined on grilled brats, burgers (Deer bacon burgers and cheese burgers) chips, whistle berries, potato salad and strawberry pies Bridget made and cake Annie made. On a side note, while mixing the meat for the burgers there was a knock on the door, it was a realtor that was showing the house next door and wanted to know if it would be alright to show our house, Bridget said we were in the middle of cooking for a party and if she would give us 5 minutes we could go out on the back patio. She scrambled to get the house put back to "Show" status and the house was shown. After the party was over and everyone left Bridget couldn't find the disclosure statement so she called the realtor that showed the house, she had it and told Bridget our house was #2 on her buyers list. Keeping our fingers crossed.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Allen's Creek Resort
Steve came in early for me (7am) so I left out for the campground, got a text from Bridget to stop by the grocery store and pick up a few items. Made it to the campground a little after 8 and started breakfast. Bacon, pancakes and eggs along with coffee. Ric and Teresa came over and we chowed down. After breakfast we drove up to Goshen Springs Campground to look at the sites there. Got back to the trailer and made sandwiches for lunch. Played dominoes before starting the steaks, stuffed pork chops, rice pilaf, green beans and bread for supper. Ric and Teresa's daughter and boyfriend friend came down for supper and to show them her new car.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Friday, September 11, 2009
9/11 Ceremony

Left the campground this morning heading for the FD but had to run by the house first, I forgot my FD radio and also had to pick up a fridge pack of TAB for Bridget. We had a 9/11 ceremony at the FD this morning shortly before 9am, every year since 9/11 we have had one in the memorial garden in front of the station. My shift had just come on at 8 and we could not believe what we were seeing on TV. REMEMBER 9/11, never forget.
Hospice Ministries next door fed us lunch and we appreciate all they do for us. Other then that it has been a quiet day. Back to the campground when I get off.
Stay Safe
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Second Showing
Worked the mall 7-11:30 then headed home. Got the trailer ready and headed out to Allen's Creek Resort about 2:30, set up by 3:30. A little after 4 we had a brief rain shower which dropped the temps from 91 to the 70's. Thinking about going over to the restaurant at the campground and giving it a try. After supper we will drive back the the house to make sure everything is set, Ken should be finished with painting the wallpaper and we have a second showing on Saturday. It is about a 20 minute drive from here. We will be at ACR until Sunday afternoon. I will drive in tomorrow to work the FD then spend the weekend with friends.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Rims And Tires Sold
Early morning EMS call (4:13am) and couldn't get back to sleep. Worked the mall watering plants and normal mall stuff. Got home and called the guy about the tires and rims I had on craigslist, wouldn't fit his trailer, same with second guy, third guy bought them. Waiting on him to pick them up, should be here any minute. Mall tomorrow 7-3 then off to Allen Creek Resort, will drive to FD from there. Ken did not make it today, he is working us in when he can.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Ken Just About Done
Good day at the FD, slow. We had another showing of the house this morning and Ken has been working on painting the wallpaper in the kitchen. Bridget said he is just about finished again. Tomorrow is a 7-3 at the mall.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Monday, September 7, 2009
The Van
Worked the mall 7-3 today, watered plants until 1:30 when we ran out of fuel for the pump. Normal rest of the day. At our garage sale Saturday we had someone ask about the van, today they bought it so we are down to one vehicle. Kay and Bo and coming by and we are going out to eat. Hope everyone had a safe Labor Day weekend and were able to share it with family and friends.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Slept in until 8:30ish, got breakfast down and surfed the web. Worked the mall 11-7, we had a little rain shower with some wind come through that blew down a temporary wall on one of the new store fronts. I had a second call on the van and they want to look at it again tomorrow afternoon. Sitting in my recliner watching the race.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Garage Sale, HS Reunion

Garage sale started at 6:40 with our first customer. Marcy, Annie, Kay and Bridget had stuff to sell. Off and on traffic to 11, you know they say that one mans junk is another mans treasures, Kay sold a lamp shade with a hole burned through it. About 11:45 we (Bridget, Kay, Annie, mom and Aunt Martha and I) headed to Applebee's for lunch then I took mom and Aunt Martha down to Crystal Springs and while I was there reset a commode. The floor in the bathroom had to be replaced due to a leak. Got home and took a nap then got ready for our high school reunion. Bridget graduated in 1979 and I in 1980. The high school we went to closed when the new high school was built. The reunion was a 1975-1986, about 200 people. We had a great time trying to figure out who everyone was. A group of us left the reunion and headed to the Waffle House for a snack and chat. Another group came in and as we were leaving a lady started a ruckus with the chef, this turned into a fight with one of the patrons and the police showed up. Pretty sure the lady stayed at the Police Inn for the night. Got in bed about 1am.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Garage Sale
Garage sale starts tomorrow morning at 7am. Today was spent getting stuff ready, Bridget mostly as I left around 11am heading to Winston's house in Sardis, MS to pick up mom and Aunt Martha, I got back home a little after 5 and started the grill for burgers. Mom and Aunt Martha will be here tonight and I will take them back to Crystal Springs tomorrow. We along with Bob and Marcy, Terry and Annie and Nathan and Kay have stuff in the garage sale.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Posting from the mall. Left FD heading home, did some prep work for the paint job in the dining room. Made a trip to Wal Mart for groceries and had a nap. Normal mall day, PM shift does not have plant watering unless the AM shift doesn't finish. Weather is cooling down and the leaves are starting to change color which means it won't be long before they start falling which will keep both AM and PM shifts busy until they have all fallen off. Anyway, we have been having beautiful weather this past week and I hope it stays a while.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Slow day at the FD is winding down. Working all but 5 days in September and off all but 5 days in October, looking forward to October. Been reading up on blogs and playing bejeweled. Waiting on Bridget to get here with supper. About it for now.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Wallpaper Going
Worked the mall 7-3, watered plants until lunch, picked up parking lot trash. Got home and waited on Ken (the painter) to stop by to give us a price on painting the wallpaper, as of this posting he has the dining room and entry way primed and will paint them tomorrow afternoon. He will then start on the kitchen. Apparently the new houses we are competing with don't have wallpaper and folks nowadays don't care for it.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
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