Hard to believe that two months have passed and it is time for us to leave Indian Springs. We have been blessed to work with such a great group of people. Not only are they great to work with we are proud to call them friends. Of course saying the “see you laters” is not my favorite thing. I managed to get a few last pictures before hitting the road. John and I both liked this place so much we will definitely go back.

Rangers Beth and Ken stopped by to see us off.

Fred is enjoying his hug from Dick so much his eyes are closed. LOL

Fred was really hamming it up.

I was making my sad face. I am really going to miss Dick’s sense of humor.

Me and Dick.

John and Dick. Don’t they look like partners in crime? LOL

John, Bob, Barb and I.

John, Kim, Me and of course, Fred. (Fred loved to visit Kim in the office because he knew she would give him a treat) LOL
We had planned to be on the road by 9:00 but it always takes me a while to say “see you later”……usually with some tears. Today was no exception. John is always ready before I am. We pulled out of Indian Springs at 9:30 and made it to Keystone Heights, Florida around 3:45 p.m. It was an easy ride as it was mostly interstate.
The park ranger met with us briefly this afternoon and delivered an information packet and T-Shirts. Our orientation will be at 4:00 p.m. tomorrow afternoon. Don’t know what our jobs will be yet. This is a large park and everything is spread out. We are parked in an area secluded from the regular campground but we have 50 AMP and the satellite works. Anyone who knows me knows I love my 50 AMP. Yeah!!!

Our site.

This little sign is at the front of the work camping sites. Right now it is just us so we have the whole area to ourselves.
Laugh everyday. Happy trails. Stay safe.