Sunday, October 28, 2012

Happy Birthday Ellen.


John and I met Betty, Joe and Theresa for breakfast before they left this morning.  We enjoyed their visit very much and look forward to seeing them again soon.


Up early this morning to attend the owner’s meeting for Treasure Lake.  The temperatures have been cold for past couple of days.  I am not liking that.

Tonight Mike and Leslie came over to play some card games.  We played one round of 10 Penny and one round of golf.  Mike and I were the winners.  There will probably we a rematch soon. LOL


Today Betty and Joe’s younger daughter Ellen is celebrating her birthday.  Happy birthday Ellen.  We hope you have a wonderful day. 

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Temperatures were a little warmer this morning……in the 40s.  The sun was shining so it turned out to be a nice day.  This afternoon John and I and Mike and Leslie went out for a late lunch.  We were in the mood for BBQ so we decided to try the Rib Crib.  Everything was quite tasty.  Not diet food but it sure was good.




After our lunch we went to a nearby mall and walked looking in the shops as we went.  We even saw Santa Claus while we were out.





That Santa is kind of creepy looking if you stare at him. LOL

Tomorrow will be our last day in Branson.  Tuesday morning we will be Mississippi bound.

Laugh everyday.  Happy trails.  Stay safe.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Pierce Arrow

The temperatures today took a nose dive.  We had rain in the early afternoon with temperatures in the high 60’s.  By late afternoon the temperature continued to fall into the low 40s.  Too cold for me. LOL

Today was Betty and Joe’s last day in Branson.  We attended  the Pierce Arrow Show in the afternoon.  Pierce Arrow put on a good show.  I usually don’t like the comedians who come on stage during the change of sets but this guy, Jarrett Dougherty, was truly funny.  I enjoyed his act better than the singing.    The show lasted a little over two hours so it was dinner time when we got out.

For dinner tonight we ate at Florentina’s Italian Restaurant.  The service and food were great.  Thank you Joe for treating us to a nice dinner.

Laugh everyday.  Happy trails.  Stay safe.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Fun with friends.

Still having beautiful sunny warm weather here in Branson.  Joe and Betty came by and picked us up this morning.  We had a light lunch at Gilley’s Restaurant then toured the College of the Ozarks and walked through the Branson Landing.


Betty and Me.


Joe on the bull.


Theresa posing with the bear outside Bass Pro Shop.

Our last stop of the day was at Harter House Grocery.  We picked up some meat to grill and a few other groceries then headed back to the campground.  I called Leslie from the store to see if her and Mike and Steve and Jannel wanted to join us. 

When we got home John started the grill so it would be ready when everyone arrived.  Good food and great friends to share it with.

Laugh everyday.  Happy trails.  Stay safe.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012



Tonight we went over to Betty and Joe’s for dinner.  Betty prepared some delicious fajitas. Thanks so much Betty for a wonderful meal.  After dinner we gathered around to play a round of golf (cards).  I think Jannel won the first round and Betty won the second.  I got beat really bad. LOL

The night wouldn’t be complete without some dessert.  Jannel made a cherry crisp and an apple crisp.  They were both so good.  Thanks Jannel.

Sorry I forgot to take pictures.


Happy Birthday to my dear friend Charlotte back home in Mississippi.  Charlotte,  I hope you have a wonderful day.



This afternoon we attended the show Six.  The group of six brothers put on a great show.  There is no music just the sounds that come out of their mouths (drums, bass, instruments and unbeatable harmonies).  It was awesome.  Definitely worth seeing if you are in the Branson area.


Six.  (sorry the picture is blurry)


Mike, Joe and John hanging out in front of the Six parking lot.  Waiting for us to make up our minds on what to do next. LOL


Mike got creative while waiting. LOL  We were laughing out loud and a security guard came over.  I guess he thought we were going to steal the orange cone.

We decided to join Betty and Joe at their place for more fajitas and cards games.  I lost again. LOL

Laugh everyday.  Happy trails. Stay safe.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Dinner with friends.

This afternoon Betty, Joe and Theresa came over to join all of us for dinner.  The weather was so nice.  I think it even reached 80 degrees.  That was just right for John to grill some brats and hot dogs.


John doing his thing.


John and Joe enjoying a cold beer.






Betty and Fred.

We all had a great time visiting and enjoying the beautiful weather.

Laugh everyday.  Happy trails.  Stay safe.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Betty and Joe have arrived.

Up early this morning and off to the Sunshine Valley Farm to check out their apples.  We arrived just in time for lunch.  The Sunshine Valley Farm has a nice little café that serves soups, salads, sandwiches and a few other items.  Everything is made to order with fresh ingredients. 



Chicken Apple Quesadillas with a side salad. 


Spinach Quiche with salad.


Turkey sandwich on homemade bread with apple slices.


Bowl of chili with half a chicken salad sandwich.

Needless to say, we all enjoyed our meal very much.  Afterwards we walked around outside to take a few pictures.




We took the scenic route back home. 


I saw these trees on the way back and thought they were so pretty with their fall leaves.

Later in the afternoon I received a call from Betty saying they were almost to Branson.  Yeah!   They will be visiting for a few days. 

For dinner tonight we met Betty, Joe and Theresa at B.T. Bones.  I talked so much I forgot to take a picture of the food.  Thanks Joe for a wonderful meal.

Laugh everyday.  Happy trails.  Stay safe.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Dinner at Steve and Jannel’s

The day started off cloudy and by mid afternoon a storm came through with thunder and heavy rain.  Luckily it didn’t last long.

Tonight we all gathered at Steve and Jannel’s for dinner.   We had chimichangas with all the fixings and rice and beans.  A very tasty meal.  Thanks Steve and Jannel for inviting us.  We had a great time.


John and Mike enjoying Margaritas.








My plate.

Laugh everyday.  Happy trails.  Stay safe.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Putt-Putt in the park.


We are still having warm temperatures and sunny skies.  Yeah!!  Not much going on today.  After returning from a Wal-mart run John and I met Mike, Leslie, Steve and Jannel for a game of Putt-Putt golf in the park.  We all had a great time.  Don’t know who the winner was because we didn’t keep score. LOL   Following our game we gathered outside at Mike and Leslie’s for happy hour.  Afterwards John grilled some brats for dinner.  They were yummy.


Another warm sunny day.  This afternoon we went for a drive to get some fall pictures.  The leaves on the trees in this area are all turning and are so pretty to look at.









Laugh everyday.  Happy trails.  Stay safe.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Grape Festival.

Woke up to warm temperatures and sunny skies.  Perfect weather to attend the annual Grape Festival in the town of Hollister.  They had food and vendors along with a grape stomping competition. 
There were a couple of fire trucks parked at the festival.  Just had to take a picture of that.
The Branson Scenic Railway track runs right behind the festival area.
College of the Ozarks had a booth set up selling brats……..I bet you can guess what we had for lunch.   We had chicken apple bacon brats.  They were so good.  After leaving the festival we decided to tour the College of the Ozarks.
The grist mill at the college.
John, Steve and Mike.
John and Steve looking at the ducks.
There was also a swan in the pond.
Our next stop was the tractor museum.
Wouldn’t this Jeep truck make a cool tow vehicle. LOL

Later tonight a storm with heavy rain, thunder and lightening moved in.  It rained most of the night.  Fred was not a happy camper.

We had very nice weather today.  Bright sunshine and temperatures close to 70 degrees.  Today was Wal-mart run day… know the dreaded prescription refill. LOL  It seems like there is always glitch.  We picked up a few groceries but will have to return tomorrow to pick up the prescriptions because one of mine had to be ordered.  
Laugh everyday.  Happy trails.  Stay safe.