Woke up at 9, actually Fred woke us. Got up and had grilled cheese sandwiches and bacon. I was determined to install the Edge Juice with Attitude on the truck, the old Edge EZ that I sent back for updates could not be repaired so I upgraded to the EJA which has gauges for EGT, engine and tranny temps, boost pressure and other handy information, it will also read check engine light codes as well as reset them. That took til about 1pm. I also started ribs at 9:30 and took them off at 2:30, cooked at 225 degrees, they were tasty for supper with beans and mac salad. Supper was delayed for me due to the mall boss calling and asking if I could come in and help take down table umbrellas and chairs, that was from 5:45p-7:15p. Watched TV and napped between 3-5:30p. Hurricane Gustav will be here tomorrow sometime.
Stay Safe
This blog will allow family and friends to keep up with us. If you would like you can leave a comment at the end of each post. We enjoy reading the comments. Thanks for following us as we travel the states.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
The Apple Store at the mall officially opened this morning at 10. About 250 people stood in line starting about 5am to be the "first" in the store. Worked 8a-3p today, other than the opening o Apple, it was a normal mall day.
Got home at 3:15 and did some work on the PC to try to speed it up by removing unused programs. After that I took a nap, just got up.
See you in chat.
Stay Safe
Got home at 3:15 and did some work on the PC to try to speed it up by removing unused programs. After that I took a nap, just got up.
See you in chat.
Stay Safe
Friday, August 29, 2008
Hurricane Coming
Late getting to post, we watched a movie at the station. Slow day today, getting ready for the "hurricane", should be in the area (MS/LA) by Monday night or Tuesday morning according to the last report I saw. I'll be at the mall tomorrow 8-3. That's it for now.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Surge Protector
Up at 6, worked 7-3 at the mall, Apple is opening a store on Saturday so we continued cleanup. Lunch at Bridget's office, sandwiches and chips. Got back at 1pm with the portable radio blaring that the sewer was backed up in building 9000, the entire building, all the stores. Plumber showed up within 20 minutes and snaked the sewer line clean. No damage to the stores, each bathroom has floor drains.
Got home after the PO, was about 3:30. Started on the surge protector when I remembered to hook up the drain on the dishwasher, done. Back on the surge protector, installed it in the electrical bay, no problems other then having to go to Lowes for 6/3 w ground, less than a foot needed. Will check for leaks and power at Tunica next week.
Going to read blogs.
Stay Safe
Got home after the PO, was about 3:30. Started on the surge protector when I remembered to hook up the drain on the dishwasher, done. Back on the surge protector, installed it in the electrical bay, no problems other then having to go to Lowes for 6/3 w ground, less than a foot needed. Will check for leaks and power at Tunica next week.
Going to read blogs.
Stay Safe
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Installs Today
Dryer Vent Install
Dishwasher sits on the Combo Washer Dryer
Started out at FD getting off at 8am and headed to the mall. Worked there til 3pm. Busy day today with cleaning and such, they are having a photo shoot of the mall tonight at 7pm. Not sure what it is about but we had to tidy the place up along with our usual work. Pond pump filters today them trash patrol.
Got home at 3:30p after going by the Post Office. I expected to find my surge protector as delivery was today per UPS tracking number, wasn't there so I started with the Combo W/D install. I removed the door and door frame from the W/D closet. Measured for the vent hole and marked it. Went to Lowes for the supplies, hole saw, caulking, vent kit, screws, yada, yada, yada. Got back home and started cutting the hole in the exterior wall. Then I measured the vent and cut to length, put the vent kit together then placed it in the hole I had just cut to check for fit, it fit like a glove so I then applied the caulk to the back of the vent, put it back in and screwed it in place. That completes the outside, oh ya, as I am finishing this I here UPS drive up and the surge protector is now here. I am in the middle of this project so tomorrow will be the install of the surge protector as it is almost 90 degrees inside the Suite Ram. On the inside I slide the dryer into place, hooked up the vent hose and clamped it in place then hooked up the water lines, electrical and drain line, W/D is done. Now I hook up the dishwasher hose, electrical and now as I am typing this realize I didn't hook up the drain, this could be bad. The dishwasher is complete except for the drain. Tomorrow before starting the surge protector job I MUST hook up the dishwasher drain. Will be at the mall tomorrow from 7a-3p.
See you in chat.
Stay Safe
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Back Side
On the back side of a double shift, ready for 8am. Today we have had 3 medical calls, 1 MVA, and 1 vehicle fire.
Tracking my surge protector, expected delivery on 8/27, this will give me something to do after 8a-3p at the mall.
That's about it, see you in chat.
Stay Safe
Tracking my surge protector, expected delivery on 8/27, this will give me something to do after 8a-3p at the mall.
That's about it, see you in chat.
Stay Safe
Monday, August 25, 2008
Working A Double
I am at the FD today and tomorrow, today working for Chief Hill. He is moving his father from Shreveport, LA to Ridgeland. Tomorrow will be my regular shift.
Fay is just about done with us and hopefully move out tonight or tomorrow morning.
I ordered a Progressive Industries hardwire 50amp surge protector with remote for Suite Ram today, excellent price of $322.24 which includes shipping, http://www.tweetys.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=6768
hopefully will be in by Friday. Want to install it before our trip to Tunica in September. Also want to finish the W/D install before then as well.
Not much else, see you in chat.
Stay Safe
Fay is just about done with us and hopefully move out tonight or tomorrow morning.
I ordered a Progressive Industries hardwire 50amp surge protector with remote for Suite Ram today, excellent price of $322.24 which includes shipping, http://www.tweetys.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=6768
hopefully will be in by Friday. Want to install it before our trip to Tunica in September. Also want to finish the W/D install before then as well.
Not much else, see you in chat.
Stay Safe
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Rain For Today
Today it rained all day long... forecast for 100% tonight and 70% tomorrow. I will be glad when Fay moves out and heads to North Carolina where they need the rain. Stayed inside, watched TV and napped. See you in chat.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Fay Arrived
Well Fay has arrived, at about 5pm and she should be here through Tuesday. They are expecting 4+ inches of rain.
At FD today, we have had a few calls, a dumpster fire at an apartment complex, a fall, a difficulty breathing, and a commercial fire alarm. No telling what tonight will bring.
Heading off to watch the Bristol race, go JJ, Jimmie Johnson. Will check into chat after the race if anyone is still up.
Stay Safe
At FD today, we have had a few calls, a dumpster fire at an apartment complex, a fall, a difficulty breathing, and a commercial fire alarm. No telling what tonight will bring.
Heading off to watch the Bristol race, go JJ, Jimmie Johnson. Will check into chat after the race if anyone is still up.
Stay Safe
Friday, August 22, 2008
Combo W/D Install
Up at 6, shower and breakfast, I had cereal this morning then off to the mall. Poured up a cup of coffee, headed out to check the gates to be sure they were locked down, if not the wind blows them and damages the doors. We also made repairs on the latch mechanisms, springs, latches and pins. Them up to the management office to man the phone, staff was running late. The mall website is http://www.renaissanceatcolonypark.com/ if you would like to take a look. Our main job is to keep the place spotless and everything working properly, lights, water feature pumps, trash cans emptied, trash picked up, furniture cleaned and so on. That was basically what we did the rest of the day.
Lunch with Bridget and Frank at McB's, we all had the plate lunch, fish, ff, hp, coleslaw, tea and banana pudding.
Robert came by and helped me move the combo W/D (http://decoappliances.com:8080/decoappliances/) into Suite Ram, our future home. I will have to remove the door molding to get it in the closet. It shouldn't be to bad. I also have to cut a hole in the side of the trailer for the vent. After the W/D is set, the dishwasher will mount on top of it.
This afternoon I have been reading blogs and surfing the web. See you in chat.
Stay Safe
Lunch with Bridget and Frank at McB's, we all had the plate lunch, fish, ff, hp, coleslaw, tea and banana pudding.
Robert came by and helped me move the combo W/D (http://decoappliances.com:8080/decoappliances/) into Suite Ram, our future home. I will have to remove the door molding to get it in the closet. It shouldn't be to bad. I also have to cut a hole in the side of the trailer for the vent. After the W/D is set, the dishwasher will mount on top of it.
This afternoon I have been reading blogs and surfing the web. See you in chat.
Stay Safe
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Long Day Today
Had two EMS calls last night, difficulty breathing and a fall, usually don't get to sleep the night without at least one call. My title is Assistant Chief so if any of the four stations get a call I monitor the radio traffic until they are back at the station. We change shifts at 8am. Headed to the mall at 8 and got off at 3p. Busy again today, blowing off sidewalks, don't know what we are going to do when fall gets here. We have so many leaves on the ground now I hate to see fall arrive.
Lunch with Bridget and Kay at a Chinese buffet, I need to stop going to buffets or I'll be 300 pounds by the time I retire. I want to get down to 200, weighted a while ago and I'm at 246.
After lunch we cleaned the pump filters on the ponds and interactive fountain, that took us to 2:45, just in time to clean up to go home.
We are going walking when Bridget gets home, I hope to continue this walking routine on a daily basis.
Going to read blogs then see you in chat tonight.
Stay Safe
Lunch with Bridget and Kay at a Chinese buffet, I need to stop going to buffets or I'll be 300 pounds by the time I retire. I want to get down to 200, weighted a while ago and I'm at 246.
After lunch we cleaned the pump filters on the ponds and interactive fountain, that took us to 2:45, just in time to clean up to go home.
We are going walking when Bridget gets home, I hope to continue this walking routine on a daily basis.
Going to read blogs then see you in chat tonight.
Stay Safe
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Ate All Day
Breakfast by Bridget, eggs, toast, grits, bacon, orange juice and coffee. Shower and off to the FD. Usual day, lunch at McB's with Bridget, Kay and Cecilie. Special was fried pork chop, cabbage, mac and cheese, tea and cheesecake. Bridget had a burger and onion rings, Kay had the special and Cecilie had a grilled catfish po-boy with fries. Not a whole lot going on today, will see you in chat tonight.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Busy At The Mall
Up at 6 for the mall job. Shower and breakfast, strawberry shredded wheat, orange juice and coffee. We had a busy day today cleaning. With backpack blowers on our backs, myself and one of the other guys blew off the sidewalks from 7:15 to 11:40 non stop. By the time we finished the backpack blower must have weighed 100 pounds. I met Bridget at her office for lunch, I had 3 hot dogs, chips, half of Kelly Jo's chicken salad, a piece of fried chicken, half of Sam's smoked sausage, jello fruit cup, chocolate teddy grahams, Lorne dunes, and a drink. Back at work, we worked with the plumbing company on the fountain pumps. Stopped by Lowes on the way home to see what I will need to install the washer/dryer in the trailer, a work in progress. Sitting in my recliner resting. Bridget and Kay have gone to dinner then to the movies to see a chick flick. I just finished leftover meatloaf. See you in chat.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Monday, August 18, 2008
The plan was to work on the kitchen today, delayed by errands. Well, I actually started when I got home but what I was using was not cutting the grease. So I headed off to Home Depot for something to do the job. I asked the guy at the paint counted what to use to remove the grease from the cabinets so they could be painted, he had no idea so I went to the cleaning isle. Picked up a bottle of 409 and some 000 steel wool, as I started to leave the isle I saw a bottle of Greaseaid power cleaner and degreaser, liked what I read so got it instead of the 409. Back at the house and start using this stuff and it works great. Bridget calls and asked if I wanted to go to lunch with her, Kay and her daughter Cecilie. Kay was having a good day and wanted Captain D's. During this call she also wanted to know if I could deposit her paycheck from the 15th, that's why I like direct deposit. While on the bank run she calls me and asks if I can run by and pick up her contact lens, figure while I'm out I'll run the van by and get it washed, stopped by and got the tag for the Dodge. After lunch and the errands I got back on the cabinet cleaning. I will be taking my time with this project, hope to have it completed by the end of the month between the two jobs (Mall and FD). There was a TV interview with the Jackson Realtors Association that said the housing marked had been flooded with forclosures but the inventory was coming down and that next spring should be a sellers market. So after the complete paint job and some minor repairs we hope to put the house on the market by the end of the year. Had my evening nap which I enjoy. I'm done rambling so I'll see you in chat.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Overcast Day
It has been overcast all day, blaa!! Got up at 6:30, a little later than normal, jumped in the shower while Bridget let Fred and Nipper out then cooked breakfast of eggs, bacon, grits, toast and coffee, it was yummy. Been slow at the FD with one EMS call since 8am, yesterdays shift had 12 calls. We have 4 stations, 3 engines (pumpers), 2 ladder trucks, 2 rescue units, a reserve engine, and I drive the shift commanders vehicle, a 2004 F-350 crew cab. Like Dee, I watched the race in Michigan, Bridget and I enjoy watching NASCAR. That's it for now, see you in chat.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Getting Tired Of The Rain
Up at 6 to get ready for the mall, worked the 7a-3p today. Rained til about noon, Bridget called from the shopping trip she and her sister Annie were on wanting to meet me for lunch. There happens to be a P.F. Changs restaurant in the mall were I am working so I meet them there a little after 11a. We ordered 2 entrees and split them, sweet and sour chicken and orange peel chicken, white rice tea and spring rolls as an appetizer, yummy. Did some cleaning after lunch then headed home at 3. Stopped by the P.O. where Bridget had a jury duty notice, she is excited about that. About to grill some hamburgers, Bridget is making a salad to go with it. See you in chat.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Friday, August 15, 2008
Painting Continues
Slowly but surely getting the house ready to put on the market. The dining room has wall paper on the upper portion and paint below. We (Bridget) wanted to change the color to a soft green which is what I did this morning, after the paint job I started cleaning the kitchen cabinets, this is going to be a job in itself. Went to lunch with Bridget, Kay, and Frank at a local Chinese restaurant. Kay wasn't feeling well and did not eat much. Her treatments continue and she has good and bad days. Bridget said they were going to the movies on her next good day, maybe by Tuesday. Took a nap this afternoon and have been reading blogs, addictive it is. See you in chat.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Nothing Exciting
Same old quiet day at the FD, about to head out to O'Charley's for dinner with the rescue crew and Bridget. See you in chat.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Rain Has Ended
The rain has finally stopped, today at the mall we pressure washed the sidewalks and sitting area of one of the restaurants and washed off one of the rooftops to find a leak. Lunch with Bridget at her office, scraps today, scrapped up enough to make a sandwich and crumbs from 4 different types of chips, she did go by the grocery store on her way home. Quiet afternoon, took a nap.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Rain, Rain, Rain
Left FD heading to the mall, rain has been falling since last night and has continued all day. Since 99.95% of the mall job is outside, I elected to take the day off. One the way home I stopped by Lowes to pick up paint supplies. Got home and ready to start painting, pulled all fixtures, vents, alarms from the ceiling, realized I forgot the roller, back to Lowes. Finished painting the kitchen and breakfast room ceiling and my back started hurting so after cleanup I headed to the chiropractor, ahh relief. Got back home and put all the stuff back on the ceiling. Still raining and is going to continue through the night.
See you in chat.
Stay Safe
See you in chat.
Stay Safe
Monday, August 11, 2008
Internet Down Again
The internet at the FD has been down all day. Last time this happened Comcast said for us to unplug, then replug the router which I did last time and reset the net. Our IT guy said not to do that because they had a thinggie on there to try to find the problem. Down at 8:30a, called our IT guy, he notifies Comcast, they show up at 5:30p and you guessed it, unplugged and replugged the router. Internet is back up, hard to believe, huh. Good day at the FD, slow, usual EMS calls. Lunch at the smokeless shack (McB's), our plate lunch hang out. Chicken fried steak, rice and gravy, green beans, roll, tea, and a key lime cake. Want the recipe for the cake but they won't give it out, almost like a bunt cake. Dinner is on it's way, don't know what it is yet. See you in chat.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Sunday, August 10, 2008
The Mall
Bridget made a tasty breakfast, it had everything but the kitchen sink scrambled with eggs and a side of toast. I had the mall today, 11a-7p normal morning, rain moved in around 4pm. Having chicken, green beans and pasta for supper. Will head off to chat shortly, going to eat first.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Saturday, August 9, 2008
To The Movies
Breakfast of bacon, pancakes and orange juice, set around the house and watched TV. Just before noon I took Bridget down to the mall for some shopping. When we got home it was 12:30p and I was getting hungry, I'm always hungry. We grilled hamburgers and had a salad. Bridget wanted one of the cinnamon pretzels from the theater so we went to the movies to see The Dark Knight. We dined on cinnamon pretzels and a large coke, the movie was good. Watching TV again, see you in chat.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Friday, August 8, 2008
Haircut Party
At FD today, slow day is a good day. Usual EMS calls, we cooked up sausage, peppers and onions on hot dog buns, very tasty.
Our friend that is having cancer treatments is starting to lose her hair so her brother came up from New Orleans and some of the ladies in the office (Bridget included) are having a haircut party. They are getting haircuts (short styles). They were going to have all their hair cut off but Kay said that wasn't neccesary. Kay wanted to take pictures as her brother cuts her hair shorter and shorter and she is making faces for each photo. She already has a wig with her current hair style so nobody will be able to tell which makes her feel more comfortable. We pray daily for her and her family and hope that you will join us. She remains in good spirits with her weekly treatments, usually the first 3 days after are the worst.
That is all for today, back to chat.
Stay Safe
Our friend that is having cancer treatments is starting to lose her hair so her brother came up from New Orleans and some of the ladies in the office (Bridget included) are having a haircut party. They are getting haircuts (short styles). They were going to have all their hair cut off but Kay said that wasn't neccesary. Kay wanted to take pictures as her brother cuts her hair shorter and shorter and she is making faces for each photo. She already has a wig with her current hair style so nobody will be able to tell which makes her feel more comfortable. We pray daily for her and her family and hope that you will join us. She remains in good spirits with her weekly treatments, usually the first 3 days after are the worst.
That is all for today, back to chat.
Stay Safe
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Filled up with diesel which is at $4.15 a gallon. Busy morning at the mall, had to climb up on all 9 of the rooftops checking for hail damage on the A/C units, found 4 damaged. Sent report to insurance company. After that A/C repairman shows up so back up on 3 of the rooftops. In order to get to the top we have to climb straight up 2 stories, no elevators here. Lunch with Bridget at McB's, smothered steak, rice and gravy, field peas, strawberry sensation, and tea. After lunch we recovered. Nap til 5:30p, supper was BBQ sandwiches from the roast made last night in the crock pot. Chat time.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Slow Day
No calls last night, finally a full night sleep, off to the mall (job #2). Nothing out of the ordinary today, lunch with Bridget at her office, she's about 1.5 miles away. Chicken sandwich and chips, back to the mall. Off at 3pm, at home I got to cut the grass, that's a job I'm not going to miss. Took a short nap, then got up and grilled T-bones and squash, rice pilaf, and sliced garden tomatoes for supper. Bridget has a roast in the crock pot for tomorrow. Well it's 7a-3p at the mall tomorrow.
Off to read blogs
Stay Safe
Off to read blogs
Stay Safe
Monday, August 4, 2008
Job #2 and Photos
Job #2 today, busy all day long with only 2 breaks, now to the photos from yesterday. I was to tired to load them last night. I must warn you, the pictures are from a camera phone and have been blown up slightly.
Arrived at Vicksburg

Old river bridge on right, newer on left. I can remember crossing on the old bridge when we moved to MS in 1974, just a 2 lane.

Ameristar Casino, we left them some money, not sure about Mark and Dortha but I think they may have come out ahead.

Which machine is HOT?

I think Dortha was the only one playing by this time.

I can hear Speedy now " PUSH the button, PUSH the button and cash out Dortha"

Bridget, Mark and Dortha

Mark, Dortha and John

I had never seen anything like this before, as we were leaving the casino, the tops of the trees outside the doors were covered with birds sitting side by side weighting down the branches, if you look at the top, all of the gray are the birds.
See you in chat.
Stay Safe
Arrived at Vicksburg

Old river bridge on right, newer on left. I can remember crossing on the old bridge when we moved to MS in 1974, just a 2 lane.

Ameristar Casino, we left them some money, not sure about Mark and Dortha but I think they may have come out ahead.

Which machine is HOT?

I think Dortha was the only one playing by this time.

I can hear Speedy now " PUSH the button, PUSH the button and cash out Dortha"

Bridget, Mark and Dortha

Mark, Dortha and John

I had never seen anything like this before, as we were leaving the casino, the tops of the trees outside the doors were covered with birds sitting side by side weighting down the branches, if you look at the top, all of the gray are the birds.
See you in chat.
Stay Safe
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Off today from both jobs, got home from FD had breakfast, bacon and egg sandwich, piddled around the house and around 1:30pm headed to Vicksburg, MS to meet up with Mark and Dortha on their way to Red Bay, AL. Gave them a call after we made a donation to Ameristar Casino and they were 40 miles out. Meet up with them at the campground and talked until around 5pm, we were getting hungry, both had late breakfast and no lunch, so we headed off to the buffet at Ameristar where Mark and Dortha treated us to supper (Thanks again). After we could eat no more, it was time or their donation and the rest of ours. We had a great time and visit with them. I do have pictures but will have to post them tomorrow as it is almost 10:30pm and I must be up at 6am for job #2. Missed chat tonight but will see you there tomorrow.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Siren Test
At the fire station today and it's now August. We normally check the weather/tornado sirens on the 1st but since we had bad weather yesterday we set them off today at noon, most FD's test the sirens on the 1st of the month. Just a few medical calls so far today. I just fininshed watching "Sergeant York" with Gary Cooper, excellent movie. We did have 3 personnel call in sick this morning so we had to do some scrambling and call in overtime personnel. As some of you know, Dortha and Mark (http://www.rvingwithpoppa.blogspot.com/) are having a 2009 Tiffin Phaeton built in Red Bay, Al. They will be coming through our area so tomorrow we will be riding over to Vicksburg to meet them for a visit and dinner, by the way, Vicksburg has casino's. See you in chat.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Friday, August 1, 2008
And Then The Rains Came
Up at 6, usual am routine, at job #2 by 7, we started cleaning the pond filters when the bottom fell out, got one set of filters cleaned. Must have rained 2" before noon. Lunch with Bridget at McB's, that's our local plate lunch restaurant. Today was hamburger steak with onion gravy, garlic roasted potatoes, butter beans, tea and homemade bread pudding with rum sauce, yummy. Back at job #2 we were having electrical problems with lights on one of the buildings, turns out there was a bad relay on the outdoor lighting, repaired by the electrician. Napped from 4p-7p, boy was I tired. Even as I type, Bridget is making BLT's for supper minus the L, the tomato is from one of the guys at job #2. That's it for now, on chat tonight.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
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