Our son, Robert called this morning to let us know that he and Kelsey are expecting a baby in November. This will be our first grandchild. We are excited!
Around 3:30 this morning we had high winds and heavy rain move through Gettysburg but by 8:00 it had moved out. We were lucky, we just had storms. Our thoughts are with those in Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia who were slammed with tornadoes. All the reports we have seen are devastating.
Today was our last day in Gettysburg so we set out to get in a little more sightseeing. Our first stop was the National Watch and Clock Museum in Columbia, PA. This was a very interesting museum with lots of exhibits to view. Thanks Dee for telling John about it.

Clock outside the museum.

National Watch & Clock Museum

Two little bunnies in the parking lot at the museum.
Our next stop was Hershey’s Chocolate World in Hershey, PA. The tour of the Chocolate Factory like an amusement park ride taking you through tunnels while viewing the chocolate making process.

John at the beginning of our ride. I told him to smile for the camera. LOL

The cars moving through the tunnel.

They even had animated cows. LOL
Tomorrow will be a travel day for us. Our destination will be Spotsylvania, PA.
Laugh everyday. Happy trails. Stay safe.