This blog will allow family and friends to keep up with us. If you would like you can leave a comment at the end of each post. We enjoy reading the comments. Thanks for following us as we travel the states.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
The rain is gone.
John went over to replace a flush handle on a toilet in one of the bath houses this afternoon. He didn’t see many campers while he was there. He did see a tortoise, a snake and four deer.
Later in the afternoon we drove over to Middleburg on a Wal-Mart run for a few groceries and to get a prescription filled for my hands. As usual there was a 30 minute wait to get it filled so we looked around in the store and then picked up the items we needed. When I returned to the pharmacy to pick up the prescription the clerk told me I needed to go back to the drop-off window because they needed to talk to me. I thought, “Here we go” . It seems there is always a problem with my prescriptions. LOL The lady at the drop-off window seemed nervous when I told her who I was. She entered my name in the computer and told me that one of my prescriptions would cost $500.00 with my insurance card and that the other one was $28.96. Ok, the prescription I turned in had two items on it. One of which I did not need. Lucky for me the one I needed cost $28.96. I told her I only needed one of the prescriptions. I told her that when I dropped it off but I guess they did not make a note on it. Anyway, the one I need was not in stock. To make a long story short, she ordered it and I should be able to pick it up tomorrow. Thank goodness it costs $28.96. I sure am glad I didn’t need the $500.00 one….talk about breaking the bank. LOL
Laugh everyday. Happy trails. Stay safe.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Rain, Rain and More Rain.
Nothing going on around here but rain. It started lightly this morning and got heavier in the afternoon. Tonight we had lots of thunder and heavier rain. Fred was not a happy camper. All the thunder sent him hiding in the bed. Poor dog.
I hope tomorrow brings some sunshine.
Laugh everyday. Happy trails. Stay safe.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Memorial Day
Thank you to all those who have served our country in the past and are serving today. Without their sacrifice we would not have the freedoms we enjoy.
As a result of Beryl moving through this area we were relocated to a cabin last night. Fred was real confused about the move…..poor dog…..but he settled in quickly. We were up by 7:30 this morning and ready to make the move back to the RV. On the way to the RV we drove through the park to check out the damage. There were a few tree limbs down and lots of leaves on the ground. I don’t think it got as bad as they thought it would. We are glad of that. The only thing we had today was heavy rain.
After dropping Fred off at the RV we went back out to make a trash run in the recreational day use area from yesterday afternoon’s crowd. Strangely, everyone who was camping for the night had to leave the park by 1:00 pm. but people using the day use area were able to stay until the park closed for the day. There were quite a few people having cookouts in the day use area so that meant lots of trash to collect. Later, John went back out to clean a mess that was left at one of the bath houses and got soaking wet.
Laugh everyday. Happy trails. Stay safe.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Update 1:13pm: We are now under a warning and the park is being evacuated. Raining hard right now from the outer bands.
Stay Safe
Friday, May 25, 2012
Back in Florida.
John, Amanda and me.
We made it back to Keystone Heights around 6:00 PM. The trip was uneventful. I am happy to report that there were no mice in the RV upon our return. However, a squirrel had a party with the water hose outside. I guess there were no nuts for him to chew on. LOL
Tomorrow is a work day for us in the park.
Laugh everyday. Happy trails. Stay safe.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Last day in Mississippi.
Marcy doing well today. This is our last day in Mississippi before heading back to Keystone Heights, Florida. Tonight Annie came by after work and we all had a nice supper together.
Butter beans, grilled squash, grilled eggplant, grilled chicken and sliced tomatoes. Yum Yum.
Of course Fred was hanging around to see if anyone would sneak him a snack. He even put on a show…..howling for us.
Fred being Fred. He has enjoyed his visit.
Laugh everyday. Happy trails. Stay Safe.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Marcy home from hospital.
Good news. Marcy is home from the hospital and doing well. The heart tests didn’t show anything that needed attention. It appears to be possible spasms in the esophagus so she will be going back to her gastroenterologist. Thanks for all the prayers.
John’s brother Harold and his niece Renee are celebrating birthdays today. Happy Birthday Harold and Renee. Hope you both had a great day.
Tonight we played two rounds of 10 Penny with Bob and Marcy. John won both rounds and I was the loser. LOL After two rounds of 10 Penny we played one round of Chase the Ace and I won.
Laugh everyday. Happy trails. Stay safe.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Marcy not feeling well.
Marcy (my mom) hasn’t been feeling well lately and had a calcium score test run this morning. After returning home she started having some uncomfortable feelings in her chest and left arm so Dad took her to the ER to have her checked out. The doctor is holding her overnight for observation and further tests. So far the blood work, chest X-Ray and EKG are within normal ranges. She will be having a stress test in the morning. Please remember her in your prayers.
John and I kept Ava for most of the day. She is cutting two bottom teeth but is still in good humor and laughing a lot. Of course we had the camera ready.
Laugh everyday. Happy trails. Stay safe.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Dinner with Nathan Bell and Family.
Laugh everyday. Happy trails. Stay safe.
Remembering Carter Hill.
Chief Hill dedicated his life to serving others and will be greatly missed. A slide show celebrating his life was presented a the service. The final page tones are at the end of the slide show. Click the following link if you would like to view it: HERE
Stay safe.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Cookout at Annie and Terry’s.
The weather has been so nice while we have been here in Mississippi. This afternoon we had a cookout at Annie and Terry’s. Bob and Marcy and Robert, Kelsey and Ava came out. Of course we had our cameras ready for grandbaby pictures.
Kelsey and Ava.
Me and Ava.
John and Ava.
See Ava’s two teeth poking out on the bottom.
Ava in her little floatie.
Kelsey and Ava.
Ava after her float in the pool. She loved the water.
Annie and Ava.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Running around town.
Later Bob and Marcy came over and we played Chase the Ace, Spinner Dominoes and Mexican Train. Lot’s of laughs and high scores. LOL
Annie trying to distract John as he makes a play.
Bob took Marcy’s high card in Chase the Ace. She was not happy about it. LOL
It happened again. LOL
Fred and Ash (one of Annie and Terry’s dogs) watching people going down the road.
Fred making himself at home.
Annie and her little dog Gordon.
Fred enjoying extra attention from Annie and Terry.
Laugh everyday. Happy trails. Stay safe.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Happy Anniversary Betty and Joe
Ran a bunch of errands today. I decided to get my hair highlights done while here in town. While I was as the salon John visited the guys at the firehouse. I know he enjoyed that.
Tonight Bob and Marcy came out for some more 10 Penny. Dad won the first game and I won the last. I am sure we will get a few more games in before we leave.
Last night John settled in with his laptop to update things and probably play a few games and all of the sudden everything went black. It died just like my HP laptop did last year. That really sucks.
My sister took off from work the next couple of days so we can play. We will see what trouble we can get into.
Laugh everyday. Happy trails. Stay safe.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Visit with Ava Grace
Bob just went out and Marcy is fixing to count her losing hand.
Bob making a purchase that gives him just what he needs to go out.
He is making sure she counts all the points. LOL
Fred was happy to see everybody.
After running a few errands getting a few other things done John and I spent the afternoon visiting with Robert, Kelsey and Ava Grace. She is getting so big so fast. Of course we took pictures.
We ended the evening playing a round of Mexican Train. I can’t believe it but I actually won this time. LOL Speedy……Dad said to come back to Mississippi and play a round or two. LOL
Laugh everyday. Happy trails. Stay safe.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Travel Day and Sad News
One of the Mississippi State Fire Academy staff instructors also passed away this morning.

WOW, what a tragic day. Bridget and I sent our condolences to the families affected and ask that you say a prayer for them.
Stay Safe
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Happy Mother’s Day.
Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers out there. Hope everyone had a nice day. Today was a work day for us but it was a light work day. We were finished with all of our cleaning and rounds before lunch time. Around 5:00 we drove around and did the re-check then John took me to the local diner in Keystone Heights called Keystone Inn Family Restaurant. They are known for their great fried chicken. In honor of Mother’s Day the restaurant had a huge buffet. The fried chicken was quite tasty. Thank you John for a nice dinner.
Mom Hatch Mom Hill
Daughter-in-law Kelsey and Ava Grace
My sister sent me some pictures from her visit at my Mom and Dad’s today. Robert, Kelsey and Ava were also there so Annie got some great photos.
Robert, Kelsey and Ava
Robert and Ava
My sister Annie and Ava
Ava and Kelsey
Laugh everyday. Happy trails. Stay safe.