2008 has been great and we are looking forward to 2009 when I retire and we start our new life as full timers. I hope each of you have a safe new year and please don't drink and drive.
Today we were up at 8:30, this will change on the 5th as I have to go back to work, it will then be 6 am wake ups. Bacon and pancakes for breakfast then a last trip to TSC to pick up Bridget's last paycheck. Went by the bank and Sam's then Wal Mart. Stayed home the rest of the day watching football and movies.
We grilled out rib eyes, T-bones and New York strip steaks with green salad, baked potatoes, corn on the cob, green beans with cakes and pies for dessert. Bridget and I, Bridget's mom and dad (Bob and Marcy), Bridget's sister and her husband (Annie and Terry), my brother and his wife (Harold and Sandie) and my mom.
Fireworks have started going off around the neighborhoods and Nipper is starting to go crazy. She is our border collie and doesn't like fireworks or thunder.
Being in CST we get to see the ball fall at 11pm. Have a safe and happy new year.
Stay Safe
This blog will allow family and friends to keep up with us. If you would like you can leave a comment at the end of each post. We enjoy reading the comments. Thanks for following us as we travel the states.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Lazy Day At Home
Got out of bed at 8:30 and had cereal for breakfast with coffee. Stayed at home most of the day, exception was to go to Ridgeland to get the tag for the van, current tag expired last month. I did get the deer meat cut up and frozen, I cut it into small friable pieces. Sandy made beef pot roast for supper with potatoes, carrots, and celery. We watched TV all day, football and movies.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Monday, December 29, 2008
Health Insurance
Fred wakes up at 6 every morning, then they (He and Nipper) eat breakfast, do there business and go back to sleep. Finally rolled out of bed about 8:30 and made bacon and eggs for breakfast with coffee. After breakfast I went for a haircut and shave from the barber in Canton. We watched football and other TV shows and had leftovers for lunch. Bridget and I had a 2:30 appointment for health insurance for her. Her monthly premiums will be $240, not bad for the health problems she has. Back home with lasagna for dinner. Momma Mia on DVD after dinner.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Quiet Day At Home
Got up at 8:30 to start breakfast, creamed eggs on toast with chipped beef. My dad would make this every Christmas for breakfast but he called it SOS, he was a Navy chief. Pretty much stayed home and watched football games. I did run up to the mall to get an extension ladder so I could fix the leaking skylight, that's done for now but the next rain will tell the tale.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Saturday, December 27, 2008
A Week With Mom
We are back at home. Left this morning heading to Byhalia, MS to my sisters house, my mom is living with her. My brother from Jacksonville, FL is staying at our house for a week, they will head back Friday or Saturday. We arrived at my sister's around 11:30 and unloaded the food and stuff. Cooking was going on and continued with the feed starting about 2 pm. Shortly after we arrived my brother from Arkansas arrived. This is the first time since my dad's funeral that all 4 kids were together with mom. We had a great visit and brought mom back with us, we will meet my sister in Grenada on Friday with mom. Bill and Tambra headed back to Arkansas about 3:30 with a 5 hour drive, we headed back home about 4 with a 3 hour drive.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Friday, December 26, 2008
Busy Is All I Can Say

Started off at the mall 7-3, slow day by myself, about to head to lunch at noon when the 3-11 guy shows up. Since I had just talked with my brother from Florida and he was about 15 minutes away I asked Alan if he wanted to work my last 3 hours, he said that was fine with him. I left work heading to drop off the deer meat to have it processed then to the house. When I got home my brother and SIL were there as well as Bridget. She told me the body shop called and said the truck was ready to be picked up. We dropped off the rental and picked up the truck. When we got home from that my brother was hungry being on Eastern time zone. We headed out to Hamil's, it was closed so we drove to Brandon and ate at our favorite Mexican restaurant Aztec's. On our way back to the house we made a Walmart stop. Back at the house in the recliner.
Stay Safe
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas To All
Merry Christmas to everyone, especially the RV-Dreams family. This morning started off with cooking, we had ham, carrot souffle, green beans, rolls, potato salad, green salad, pumpkin pie, apple pie, tea and soft drinks. The feeding started at noon. Bridget and I, Bob and Marcy, Annie and Terry were here to enjoy the feast. After eating I sat in my recliner and accidentally fell asleep and woke up to laughter from the dining room. Bridget, Annie, Bob and Marcy were playing spinner and were having a good time, seams that Terry had accidentally fell asleep too. After everyone left we took another nap and woke up to the phone ringing. It was my brother calling from Florida to tell us they would be leaving Jacksonville heading our way at 3:30 am and should arrive around noon. After talking with them the phone rang again, it was Annie calling to tell us Terry shot another 8 point buck in their front yard. We gathered up ice chests and headed out to Annie and Terry's to pick up the deer meat. I will take it in tomorrow to have it processed. Tomorrow will be busy, mall 7-3, deer processing, tag for the van, brother coming in. Annie, this is your reminder to send me the picture of the deer and Terry so I can post it.
The chat room has requested the carrot souffle recipe so here it is.
Carrot Souffle
1 lb carrots
1/2 cup sugar
1/3 Tbsp baking powder
1/3 Tbsp vanilla
1 Tbsp flour
2 eggs
5 Tbsp butter
Powdered sugar
Steam or boil carrots until extra soft, drain well. While carrots are warm, add sugar, baking powder and vanilla. Whip with mixer until smooth. Add flour and mix well. Whip eggs and add to mixture, add butter and continue mixing until well blended.
Pour mixture into baking dish about half full as the souffle will rise. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour or until the top is a light golden brown. Sprinkle lightly with powdered sugar before serving.
Stay Safe
The chat room has requested the carrot souffle recipe so here it is.
Carrot Souffle
1 lb carrots
1/2 cup sugar
1/3 Tbsp baking powder
1/3 Tbsp vanilla
1 Tbsp flour
2 eggs
5 Tbsp butter
Powdered sugar
Steam or boil carrots until extra soft, drain well. While carrots are warm, add sugar, baking powder and vanilla. Whip with mixer until smooth. Add flour and mix well. Whip eggs and add to mixture, add butter and continue mixing until well blended.
Pour mixture into baking dish about half full as the souffle will rise. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour or until the top is a light golden brown. Sprinkle lightly with powdered sugar before serving.
Stay Safe
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas
From the FD, a few EMS calls, a stove fire and a wreck on the interstate with no injuries. Merry Christmas to all the readers of our blog. Santa will be making his rounds tonight so don't forget to go to bed early, unless of course you have not been good, then it won't matter. We had our family party at Bridget's parents house. Bridget and I, Bob and Marcy, Robert and Kelsey and Annie and Terry. Food was good, family time was better. I had to head back to the FD.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Bridget's Mix-up
From the mall, 3-11 but may leave at 9, (stayed til 11) major work has been done. Slept in til 8:30, actually set the clock for 6 then after I got up I remembered I go in at 3pm but let the dogs out while I was up then back to bed. Bridget and I had lunch with Steve, Amy, Kay, Frank, and Mike from TSC, Bridget's old work place. I asked her when she was making the dressing to take up to my sisters Saturday, she said she was off Friday and would do it then. I reminded her she is off everyday. I laughed when she said that. I hope I don't forget when I stop working. It has been windy and cool, low 50's.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Monday, December 22, 2008
More Fountain Pictures
More photos of the Italian Marble Fountain. Took these this morning, the weatherman's prediction of 41 didn't happen, made it to 35 from 23 when I got up this morning.

We were outside most all of the day, setting up to install the clocks in the clock tower and working on the pumps and filters. Not much exciting, it was very cold today but I guess it is like that most everywhere. Tomorrow is the mall again from 7-3. Took a nap this afternoon.
Stay Safe
We were outside most all of the day, setting up to install the clocks in the clock tower and working on the pumps and filters. Not much exciting, it was very cold today but I guess it is like that most everywhere. Tomorrow is the mall again from 7-3. Took a nap this afternoon.
Stay Safe
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Cold Day
Bridget slept in as we had planned to cook at the FD. Menu was pancakes with maple syrup, eggs, bacon and sausage. Excellent breakfast with the non cooks cleaning up. It has been quiet with only a few EMS calls. We just finished playing hearts. The past few days have been in the mid to upper 70's but today struggled to get into the mid 40's with a current temp of 41 and will drop to a forecasted 23 degree tonight. I have the mall tomorrow and the high is 41, don't like those days with our work outside. Bridget's truck is suppose to be ready tomorrow or Tuesday.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Saturday, December 20, 2008
The Italian Marble Fountain
The Italian Marble Fountain at the mall, you can't see them but there are 4 hand carved horses in the bottom pool, each was carved from a single piece of marble in Italy along with the rest of the fountain. We had the unveiling at 10 am this morning. 1600 gallons of water are shot through 42 nozzles into the second pool, the top pool is filled by water running out of the top. The fountain is computerized so if the wind speed is above 6 mph it will go to half power (at half power in photo) and will shut down over 20 mph. Normal flow the water would be going into the second pool just above head height. It has been warm (70's) and windy all day. Bridget and Annie went grocery shopping and bummed out today. They usually hang out together when I am working on weekends. Bridget and I are going out to dinner with Kay and Bo tonight, she is feeling good enough to celebrate her last chemo treatment. May make chat later than normal.
Stay Safe
Friday, December 19, 2008
Eight Point
At the mall today 7-3, they are unveiling the Italian Fountain tomorrow morning at 10am. Cleanup today for tomorrow, blowing sidewalks and pressure washing. Annie's husband Terry shot an 8 point deer in their front yard, they live out in the country, next one he will give to me. One of the security guards was having medical problems so an ambulance was called, don't know if he went to the hospital or not, Bridget picked me up before he decided. The van was actually ready and drives great. We are back to a two car family.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Getting The Van Back
Still foggy, finally warmed up into the 70's but will be back in the 40's first of next week. Slow at FD today, usual EMS calls and a smoke in a house, HVAC problems no fire. My brother and his wife will be up from Florida the day after Christmas and we will go up to my sisters that weekend then bring my mom back down with us to stay for the week. Instead of me calling them, they called me and said the van is ready so Bridget and I will pick it up tomorrow. Back to a two vehicle family even though it is for sale. Hopefully paid my property taxes for the last time today. Looking at ordering the trailer tires next week, Goodyear G114 LHT 215/75R17.5 LRH from the place Howard and Linda got theirs from.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
With temps in the upper 40's/lower 50's and foggy again it was slow at the mall. It will be in the 70's tomorrow and Saturday, yeah. Took some stuff to Good Will when we got home, Bridget picked me up, the van will be ready Friday I hope. Just relaxing in my recliner.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Slow day at the mall, it is not crowded when it rains. This is an outside mall so rain keeps people away. The insurance company gave Bridget a hybrid Ford Escape as her rental. I called about the van and they say it will be ready tomorrow, we will see. Bridget is making meatloaf for dinner, can't wait. See you in chat.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Monday, December 15, 2008
Body Shop
Slow day at the FD, this is good. Day started off at 70 degrees at 7:30 this morning, at this posting it is 47 degrees and dropping. Bridget dropped the truck off at the body shop this morning and we should get it back first of next week hopefully. The van is suppose to be ready tomorrow. The mall from 7-3 tomorrow.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Work, Work, Work
Slept til 9 this morning, got up and had waffles and bacon again, I love waffles and bacon. After breakfast a quick shower then a stop at the grocery store for Bridget before going to the mall. Worked 11-7 at the mall, we run two people on Sunday but he left at 3p sick. I had leftovers from the family Christmas party that started at 4pm.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Still One Car
Caught a ride home from FD with Nathan. I make waffles and Bridget make bacon for breakfast. Watched TV and played games on the laptop. Took a nap then headed to the Mall. Bridget dropped me off and will pick me up this evening at 11. It is still cold here.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Friday, December 12, 2008
One Vehicle
We are down to one vehicle until Tuesday. I called about the van which was going to be ready today but turns out we will pick it up on Tuesday. They are not open on the weekend and I am at the FD Monday. Oh well, life goes on. We haven't had a call all day but we will see what the night brings. Bridget has been home all day cleaning out rooms and closets getting rid of junk.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Cold Day
Cold, windy, rainy, sleety, snowy day at the mall. We lost power for about an hour and a half. Did I mention it was cold? It was along with the rain we had several calls for roof leaks. One of the downspouts had a problem and flooded the hallway and one of the stores. Shopvac and cleanup time. I was glad to see 3pm today. We took Marc's truck back as the van will be ready tomorrow.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Last shift ended with 11 calls, none were weather related. As of now we are under a winter storm watch with rain changing over to snow tomorrow morning with 1-3 inches accumulation, we will see. I was off today and got my hair cut. No word on the transmission yet. I have been relaxing today. See you in chat.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Bad Weather
The truck estimate was $4,196.91, wow. It didn't look that bad to me. 7 calls so far today with the bad weather just about here, I imagine we will not get much sleep tonight, but that's part of the job. It is raining right now with a temp of 70 degrees, high tomorrow is in the low 40's. See you in chat.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Monday, December 8, 2008
The Van, Yeah...Not
For breakfast Bridget made me a ham and cheese omelet, it was tasty along with the orange juice. We were busy today at the mall with cleanup and hanging Christmas lights in trees. Bridget came by to get me at 3pm and we took the truck to the body shop so they could look at the truck and order parts. While there, the transmission shop called and said the van was ready. A transmission fuse plus labor, $93.33 total. What a relieve I thought. Bridget dropped me off and headed home, I went in and paid, hopped in the van and off I went... about 50 feet and that was it. I called Bridget and she headed back to get me. The mechanic hooked his computer to the van and drove it. It worked fine then finally it did it again, at first I thought I imagined the van stopped moving. The computer showed a problem with the torque converter. After he had replaced the fuse he did do a test drive and it worked fine for him and he apologized that he was unable to detect the other problem at that time. I told him not to worry about it and left the van again. The insurance adjuster will be he in the morning for the truck. Bridget will drop it off tomorrow and pick up a rental car. See you in chat.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Sunday, December 7, 2008
The Key
When I got off from the fire station, Marc, one of the FF's on my shift took me to his house and loaned me one of his many vehicles. Thanks Marc. I left Marc's in his Toyota Tundra heading to Troy's, another FF on my shift to pick up his key to the mall. There are 8 of us that work part time here at the mall. Got home at 9:30 but forgot to let Bridget know I was going by Troy's after I left Marc's. She started breakfast and it was ready at 9:00, whoops. So my breakfast was cold, creamed eggs on toast. Worked the mall, quiet slow day. About to head for the house for supper. See you in chat.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Sick Fire Fighter
It has been quiet at the station today, we just got our first call of the shift. Nathan has cooked up a batch of crawfish bisque that was excellent but he did not get any of it. He is sick and has gone to the dorm to lay down. I work at the mall tomorrow and my key to get in the office is on the key chain in the van, I will have to figure out how to get in.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Friday, December 5, 2008
Back Home
The last speaker finished at 11:45am, when I got back to the room Bridget had everything packed and ready to load. We were on the road by noon. We stopped in Eupora for lunch, it was good. When we got home we unloaded then headed off to the transmission shop, they test drove and had no idea so we left the van with them. They will start on it Monday and I will be using one of the fire fighters spare vehicle. When we left the tranny shop we went to pick up Fred and Nipper at the kennel. We are home but not for long, Bridget's office party is tonight. She has gone to a part time status for December and will work on getting the house reading to sell. See you after the party in chat.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Full Day
Breakfast with Bridget in the lobby of the hotel. I had seminars all day so Bridget went shopping. We are going out to Outback for supper with some of the Chiefs and vendors. See you on chat.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Made It To Tupelo
Thanks to Bill on chat I was able to hook my Treo650 to my laptop to download truck pictures.
Stay Safe
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
The Van
Bridget is a little sore but okay. The other drivers insurance company has already called which is a good thing. We are heading to Tupelo, MS tomorrow for the Mid-Winter Chief's Conference and will be back Friday. Had the usual mall day with the boss going home sick early this morning. I had 8 people in the van (Has been nicknamed "meals on wheels" by Amy) heading to lunch at McB's, today was fried chicken, turnip greens, corn bread, mac and cheese and tea. After the mall I headed to Jackson to pick up a stationary bike for the IL's. From there to the house to take the dogs to the boarding kennel in Brandon. On the way it seams as if the transmission in the van is going out at 236,000 miles. Will get that checked when we get back from Tupelo. I will get pictures of the truck damage if I can remember to do it before it gets dark. We are going to see Four Christmases tonight, Bridget, Kay (she had here chemo yesterday), Nathan (Kay's DH), and Annie.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
Monday, December 1, 2008
My Day Off
Begins leaving the FD and not having to go to the mall. Stopped by the post office on my way home. Read blogs, went by the pharmacy for Bridget, went by Merle Norman for Bridget, washed the truck for Bridget, inspection sticker for Bridget, lunch with Bridget and Frank. While at home during my nap the phone rings and it is Bridget, she says she has been in an accident on her way home, says she was talking to Annie on the phone and was stopped in traffic and was hit from behind pushing the truck into the vehicle in front of her. Minor damage to the front vehicle, our truck is drivable, the other vehicle had to be towed. We are home now and will get estimates tomorrow.
Stay Safe
Stay Safe
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