Sunday, February 26, 2012

Blueberry Pancakes.

Woke up this morning to a cold 34 degrees.  The cold weather really needs to go away. LOL    John made some homemade blueberry pancakes and blueberry syrup for breakfast.  They were yummy.


We got settled in to watch the race and were really disappointed when it got rained out.  Dick and his dog Mr. Willie came by for a visit.


Mr. Willie and Dick.


Of course Fred had to have his picture made  with DIck.


Mr. Willie talking to John.

We can always tell when it is approaching Fred’s dinner time.  He usually starts pacing in front of the food cabinet or starts whining.  Today he was a little more animated.


First he sat at the corner of my chair and started staring.


I guess he thought I didn’t see him so he got a little closer.


Now he made sure I could see him.


Still trying to get his point across.


Ok.  I guess that means he could almost taste his dinner.


John and Fred having a discussion at the dinner bowl.

We look forward to watching the Daytona 500 tomorrow.  

Laugh everyday.  Happy trails.  Stay safe.


  1. Those pictures of Fred are just hilarious. They sure know how to communicate what they want, even if they can't talk.

  2. Good to see you both are snug as a bug in the rug. We are enjoying warm weather??? Cannot believe how nice the weather has been here. Hope this is the last winter we will be here but then if it is like this who cares.

    Joe and Sherri

  3. Love the new header photo! Yeah, Den was upset about the 500 getting rained out...and now we just got set up in Georgetown and can't get FOX!!!
