Thursday, April 22, 2010

Visitor from Memphis

John off today. :)  He spent most of the day cleaning out and rearranging the stuff in the basement.  While he was sorting thru stuff Mike from Memphis, a metal building salesman stopped by to meet us.  He said he had been reading our blog and was interested in learning more about the fulltime lifestyle.  He thinks it is something he would like but his wife is not so sure.  We told him it would be good for him to attend an RV Dreams Rally.  It was nice to meet him.

Tonight I went into town for girls night out with Annie and Kay.  We ate dinner at Applebee’s then went on to the movies. Earlier in the week we decided on seeing Date Night starring Tina Fey and Steve Carrell.  I am not usually a Steve Carrell fan but he and Tina Fey were funny in this movie.  Some of it was silly but it definitely had funny moments and was not dull.

Remember to laugh everyday.  Happy trails.  Stay safe.


  1. Jack Lemmon played in a movie with the same theme years ago...had a remake with Steve Martin..simular movie. I would like to see this one.

  2. John and Bridget,
    It was a pleasure to meet you yesterday. I look forward to hearing about your adventures when you hit the road. Hopefully we will be able to join you in a few years.
    Safe travels,
    Mike in Menphis
