Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Picking up trash.

Another work day for us.  John had mowing to finish and I helped Janice clean the pit restrooms.  It didn't take very long and I was back around 10:30 and ready to meet up with Judy to pick up some trash. This is one job we don't mind doing because we get to travel throughout the refuge and you never know what you will see.   Everything changes from day to day.

At one of the boat launches we saw lots of butterflies.  We tried to get just the perfect picture.  It was difficult as the butterflies don't stay still for long. 

I was able to snap a picture of this White Admiral in the tall grass. 

I also got some pictures of a Compton Tortoiseshell.  They move so fast I thought I would never get a decent photo. 

After leaving the boat launch area we continued on our way.  We hadn't seen much in the way of wildlife until late afternoon when we saw a couple turkeys walking in the tall grass along Bruce Boulevard.  Judy pulled over and killed the engine so we could watch and, of course, take pictures.  One of the turkeys was a very light color.  I had never seen one like it before. 

The turkeys seemed to linger in that same spot and within a minute or two we knew why.  

 Little turkeys emerged from the tall grass and they all began to travel on down the road.  Very cool. 

I think there were nine poults but I was not able to photograph them all. 

Another picture of the light colorled turkey. 

Also, while we were out today, Judy took me to see the cabin and old car on the refuge.  This is where the Fall Festival is usually held. 

Thanks Judy for taking me there so I could get some pictures. 

Tomorrow is one of our days off so I am sure we will be making a grocery run. 

Laugh everyday.  Happy trails.  Stay safe. 

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