Saturday, August 30, 2014

Frogs and Berries.

Wednesday Judy and I checked several trails for purple loosestrife.  We didn't find any so that was a good thing.  We didn't see much in the way of wildlife, just wildflowers, weeds, frogs, berries, a wood duck and a couple of fallen trees.
Showy Goldenrod.  
Turk's-Cap Lily
Leopard Frog
I think this is Viburnum.  If I am wrong please let me know. 

Wood Duck
As we traveled down one of our trails searching for purple loose strife we were stopped by these fallen trees. Awe, you know what that means.....we will just have to return again on another day.  

  Fred says hello to everyone out there.  He is being lazy.

Laugh everyday.  Happy trails.  Stay safe. 

1 comment:

  1. Looks like your weather there is perfect...We are HOT down here!
