Wednesday, April 15, 2015

More work with tree tubes.

We have had rain almost everyday since we arrived in Oregon.  Some days it rains for a few minutes then some days it rains all day.  The temperatures have been cool during the day ranging from 42 to the mid 50s.  I am ready for some sunny 70 degree weather.  Oh yeah, bring it on.

Yesterday John and I removed tree tubes from one of the areas of the refuge.  Just as we finished the rain moved in.  This morning we bundled and transported tree tubes from one area to another.  We finished up before lunch and guess what.....yep, it started raining again. Uck. 

Here I am after working.  I am all dirty.

Tonight we were able to Facetime our son Robert and see the grandbabies.  They have gotten so big. We sure do miss those little girls.   Our daughter-in-law and her mother post pictures for us on facebook so we can keep up with them.  A big thank you to them for that. 

Ava and Shelby Easter weekend. 

Looks like a very interesting conversation going on. 

Tomorrow John will meet with the boss to see the other site that he will be mowing and I have a meeting with the lady at the visitor center. 

Laugh everyday.  Happy trails.  Stay safe.

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