Molly and Bob.
After a good breakfast we all said our “see you laters” and hit the road. We hadn’t gone too far when the weather really changed. I was reading a book on my Ipad when John said, “It’s snowing.” Of course I thought he was joking……until I looked out the windshield. I said, “You have got to be freaking kidding me.” Anyone who knows me knows I do not like cold weather at all. So I was bummed.
Snow hitting the windshield.
The view from my window.
The trip was uneventful and we arrived in Williams before 1:00 p.m. The temperature was 47 when we got here…..and it was very windy. After eating lunch we drove over to the Grand Canyon. The temperature dropped while we were at the Grand Canyon. We were able to get some cool pictures though.
It was dinner time when we made it back to Williams so we stopped in at the Pine Country Restaurant. They are famous for their homemade pies. We split a meal and then split a piece of banana cream pie. Then it was back to the RV for the night. The weather forecast showed a low of 18 for the night. Oh no! Too dang cold here for my blood.
Tomorrow will be a travel day for us. Our destination will be Needles, CA. John tells me it will be much warmer there. I sure hope so.
Laugh everyday. Happy trails. Stay safe.
Can't believe it was that cold in AZ....but then you did start your travels early in the season..hope you hit warmer weather soon....Loretta and Bill