Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veterans Day

Thank you to all the Veterans who have served and are serving our country. Without your sacrifices we would not be able to enjoy the freedoms we have.


Caught up on the laundry today since tomorrow will be travel day for us. Back to Mississippi.

This afternoon we went on a Wal-Mart run as well as a drive around the area to get some pictures. Tuesday when we were riding around I saw a sign that said Rail Car Apartments and noticed the old rail cars but I failed to get pictures. The group of rail cars have been made into individual apartments. Today I got pictures of it. I would love to see the inside of one of these. From the outside they look very rustic.

004 This is the sign at the entrance.


Side view of the apartment complex.


Another side view.

Later this afternoon we were able to meet Johnny before he went to work. We took a picture of him for Carol. The Fuzion Fifth Wheel picture from yesterday’s blog belongs to them. We hope to meet up with them on the road one day.

006Here’s Johnny.

We hope to get an early start tomorrow as it will be at least a five hour drive and we want to get set up before dark.

Laugh everyday. Happy trails. Stay safe.


  1. Den's great aunt had a rail car moved onto some land and lived in it...Then they built the house around it!! Interesting concept, but I see it isn't a new one....Stay safe and have a good trip!!

  2. Hi John and Bridget! Glad you guys were able to connect and thanks for the picture! The Railcar Apartments are interesting. Maybe while we're there, we'll meet one of the occupants and get to check them out. Travel safe today and look forward to getting together on the road.

  3. Isn't it a small world, with Johnny in the same park!
    Now all we need it a picture of Carol.
    It would be interesting to see inside a Rail Car Apt. Are these just for the transient workers?
    Arkansas is such a lovely State.
    Happy Trails, Penny, TX
