On the way John noticed a beaver swimming in one of the ponds. Of course we stopped to watch and snap a photo.

Sorry the photo is blurry. I zoomed in as far as I could hoping to get a picture of him.
Upon our arrival at the Pine Lake area we saw lots of Pink Lady Slippers.
We rode around a little while longer then decided to head home before the rain started. Just before the turn off to the maintenance road John saw a little deer so we stopped to look at him. The funny thing was he was carrying a bird on his back.
Today John and I worked at the Visitor Center. As usual there were lots of birds and squirrels hanging around the feeders.
We had a total of 39 visitors at the center; 11 of those attened the 2:00 p.m. movie. Later this afternoon two of the fox kits ran past the Visitor Center's back window. Unfortunately I wasn't quick enough to get a picture. Maybe next time.
Tomorrow is another work day for us. John will be mowing various locations in the refuge and I will be at the Visitor Center.
Laugh everyday. Happy trails. Stay safe.
How wonderful to see so much beautiful wildlife..I would be in Heaven!