Saturday, August 29, 2009

2010 Camaro Giveaway

Up at 6 for a 7-3 mall shift. This morning 3 radio stations were at the mall giving away a 2010 Chevrolet Camaro so we helped set up for that. Estimate of 350 people showed up. Other then that is was a normal mall shift. Parking lot trash cleanup was a little heavier then normal due to all the people. When I got home, the air pressure gauge I ordered was in so I installed it on the trailer. It is part of the dual suspension kit, one of the gauges was bad so they sent another one. The realtor called last night to see if he could show the house at 10:45, Bridget told him it was 10:30. He didn't know what she was talking about, turns out there were 2 showings this morning. Waiting to here from the realtor.

Stay Safe

1 comment:

  1. Still crossing my fingers for you guys... Best of luck with your house!

    Have Fun!
