Aunt Martha
Most of our friends and followers know that my mom and dad fulltime RV'ed for more than 10 years beginning in the early 1990's. Shortly after they started my mom's twin sister's husband passed away. Aunt Martha joined my mom and dad during their travels across the USA. Sometimes (mostly in the mountains) she would do the driving. They traveled until their health caused the RVing to stop. My dad passed away in 2006 and Mom and Aunt Martha have lived together ever since. This afternoon my brother called with the heartbreaking news that Aunt Martha had passed away this morning. She was a very special lady who will forever be in our hearts. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family.
Aunt Martha
Aunt Martha and Mom Hatch.
Tomorrow will be moving day for us. We will be traveling a whole ten miles and stay 2 nights at a small park before heading on to Gillette.
Laugh everyday. Happy trails. Stay safe.
Our love to you and yours at this very hard time..hugs.