Today was the first official day of parking. Yesterday the parking team was busy parking staff members and early arrivals. Tonight all staff members attended the Staff Appreciation Dinner. We had potatoes, salad, mixed vegetables, chicken and prime rib. Everything was delicious.
After dinner a few of us “short people” got our picture made with Kay Peterson. Kay and her late husband Joe founded Escapees Travel Club back in 1978 so it is a treat when we get to visit with her.
Some of us “short people”.
Me and Mrs. Kay.
Today our friend and fellow Escapee member Dortha is celebrating a birthday. Happy Birthday Dortha. We hope you have a wonderful day.
The parking team was up early and out guiding the RVs in and parking them. This morning coffee and donuts were delivered to the team before we all headed out to work. Our thanks to the Coffee Chairs for this treat.
We have been blessed with beautiful weather for parking. It gets a little hot in the afternoons but it has remained sunny. The team was at their posts at 8:00 a.m. and continued getting the RVs routed and parked until the last one of the day arrived around 2:30 p.m.
This is Ty, one of Roger and Barb Maxey’s grandsons who has been helping me with distributing water and helping out with multiple chores. He has been a big help to me. Thank you Ty so much for your help.
Barb B. standing at her post.
Barb B. in action.
Nick checking an E-Ticket.
Linda checking an E-Ticket.
Debby at her post waiting to direct the RVs.
John at work.
Chuck at his post in Marketing.
Leland at his post at the Boxelder Campground gate.
Leland in action…waiving the RVs into the campground.
Cathy at her post ready to direct the RVs.
Mike and Ralph at their post waiting for RVs to direct.
Joe, Bob and Jerry waiting to park an RV.
Bob showing us his sense of humor. He is too funny.
Earl and Jerry waiting to park the last RV of the day.
For lunch today the Parking Team had a sack lunch delivered to them. A huge thank you to Bob, Molly, Wallace, Wanda, Dortha and anyone else responsible for this. It was greatly appreciated.
Tomorrow will be the last day of parking. We will have a very busy day but the team is ready to get it done. The Parking Team works hard but we also have a great time doing it. They are such an awesome group to work with.
Laugh everyday. Happy trails. Stay safe.
Dennis use to park cars at the Sandwich Fair when he was in high school..They used bamboo canes to wave the cars in and we still have his. I wonder how many kids got sideswiped back then without the orange vests! Looks like a huge "cocktail party" out there..Wish we could join in!